Main — Culture - 157
Culture - 157
An old mosaic in Makariv (Kyiv region) that survived the Russian occupation was later destroyed by Ukrainians
"Giselle" by The United Ukrainian Ballet
UNITED24 has partnered with BetterMe, a leading healthy lifestyle app, used by over 100 million people in 190 countries!
Solomiya Begun organizes a charity evening in support of Ukraine
StopFake was included in the archives of the US Library of Congress
The Russian Ministry of Justice added the organization "Citizens of the USSR" to the list of extremist organizations
Survey: Identity.Patriotism.Values
Patron the dog becomes the director of the UAnimals communications department!
An anthology of Ukrainian folk poetry was published in Norway
Speech by President Volodymyr Zelenskyy on Independence Day of Ukraine
Cities of Freedom: Ukraine launches a documentary series about the soul of Ukrainian cities affected by the war
The world's first application with Ukrainian classical music