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Articles about angelika-terluga

Odessa Karateka reached the finals of the European Championship

Anzhelika Terliuga from Odessa became the European champion in karate

Angelika Terluga from Odessa reached the final of the Premier League in karate in Morocco

Karate young champion Anzhelika Terliuga was included in the Ukrainian "Forbes"

Odessa athlete Anzhelika Terluga became the winner of a prestigious title for the third time

Tokyo 2020: Ukraine results

Tokyo 2020: schedule of Odessa's athletes

Tokyo 2020. Two more athletes from Odessa region won the right to attend the Olympic Games

Tokyo 2020. Karateka Anita Serogina brought the 6th Olympic license to Odessa region

Angelika Terlyuga won gold in Portugal

Fencing - Odessa athletes became the winners of the Ukrainian championship

Angelika Terluga the best karatist of the world