Main — Articles about zaporizhzhia - 78
Articles about zaporizhzhia - 78

In the Odessa region, a ban on staying in beach areas. Operational situation in the south of Ukraine

Since the beginning of May, the SBI has initiated 86 proceedings against traitors and collaborators

Operational information on 23.05.2022

The SBU prevented the penetration of the Russian agents into the ranks of the combat unit of the Armed Forces

Operational Update on 06.00 on May 22, 2022.

Operational information on 22.05.2022

MCIP recorded more than 350 russian war crimes against Ukraine's cultural heritage

Mariupol is "under control" of the Kadyrovites

Operational information on 21.05.2022

Russians are preparing for the illegal annexation of the occupied territories of Ukraine

Operational information on 20.05.2022

SBU neutralizes Russian Internet agency coordinated from Crimea by the member of "United Russia"