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Business - 433
Food help to Odessa’s poor families from Familiehjelpen, Way Home and Rotary Club Odessa International
Flights connection in Ukraine going to be reopened in mid-June
A tanker with Texas crude oil entered the port of Odessa for the first time
Rotary Connects the World
Odessa seaport increases its cargo handling in the first months of 2020
The first time in Ukraine's history: a Ship-to-Ship loading of sunflower oil.
Yerevan (Armenia) sister city of Odessa
The "Odessa Innovation Strategy", a study for the Science Day of Ukraine
Odessa logistic hub between Asia and Europe, link from the Black Sea to the Baltic Sea
Museum of the Socialism Monuments
Tourism 2020 Vision
QTerminals (Qatar) will invest $ 120 million in the Ukrainian seaport of Olvia (Oktyabrsk)