Coworking and creative space CultureUkraine / Open space for Ukrainians dedicated to Ukrainian artists has opened in Lithuania.
The war in Ukraine has brought everyday life to a halt, the Russian aggression closed the door to culture. We, Lithuanians, cannot accept this, we do not want to go back to where we have been against our will, that is why we are opening a new space for culture here in Kaunas.
It is an open creative place for people, families, children and, of course, artists from Ukraine whose temporary place of residence is the city of Kaunas in Lithuania.

We believe in culture as a universal tool, a tool for dialogue and inner strength. Culture is a tool to have a voice and to reach the world. Culture is a space to feel heard and part of a community. Culture is a way to heal from within and connect with the other. Culture is our finest tool.
CulturEUkraine is an open creative space for Ukrainian people, families, children, and, of course, artists whose temporary home is Kaunas. The centre is open on the third floor of the Kaunas Central Post Office. It will be a place for communication, childrenâs play and education, a free space for creativity and co-working, art therapy sessions, as well as an exhibition hall.
Representatives from all fields of creative industries and arts are invited to work and be creative in joint coworking spaces and in separate studios. Coworking guests are not only provided with space to work together but also to help find partners, sponsors, and customers.

Registration for a free job space is open:
CulturEUkraine is a place to make sense of time, build connections and share culture.