
Defence Intelligence: Russian Ship and Deep-Water Vehicle Collide in the Norwegian Sea

Defence Intelligence: Russian Ship and Deep-Water Vehicle Collide in the Norwegian Sea
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On July 1, 2024, during trials in the Norwegian Sea, the modernized Russian deep-water vehicle AS-36 sustained damage.

The modernization of the vehicle took place in St. Petersburg at the facilities of the Kanonersky Ship Repair Plant since 2017.

The carrier of the AS-36 is the Northern Fleet rescue ship Mikhail Rudnitsky.

During the deployment of the deep-water vehicle into the water, the crew of the Mikhail Rudnitsky lost control, leading to a collision between the ship and the "AS-36."

As a result of the incident, the Russian deep-water vehicle sustained damage that prevents further trials.

Currently, the Russians are assessing the damage and the time needed for the repair of the AS-36.

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