Main — Articles about agriculture - 15
Articles about agriculture - 15
NAAS scientists have calculated how much Ukraine will lose this year due to the war
Taras Vysotsky: Even in the problem areas of Ukraine, at least a third of the fields will be sown with spring crops
"Seeds for Ukraine": an initiative which will help Ukrainians grow more crops
How much money does Ukraine spend on the war per month?
Ukrainian food industry will expand new capacities
To have bread in Ukraine: sowing campaign started in Odessa region
In 2021, Germany bought most of oilseeds and India bought most of edible oils in Ukraine
Ukrainian government has set up a partial credit guarantee fund for agriculture
Ukraine feeds 400 million people in the world and will feed a billion by 2030
Ukraine increased its export of agriculture products to Europe by 33%
The largest aquafarm on cultivation of shrimps was opened in the Nikolayev region
Ukraine increases food export to China: TOP-3 products