Yaroslav Azhnyuk, co-founder of the Ukrainian IT company Petcube, has announced the launch of a new project, Kremlingram.org. The team is investigating the connections between Telegram and the Kremlin based on open data. The research results will be made available to the public and provided to policymakers. Currently, they are looking for a project leader.
Kremlingram.org is a good starting point to explore how Telegram manipulates, engages in false advertising and blatant lies, influences media and societies worldwide, collaborates with the Russian government, and still remains unpunished. At the same time, it remains the largest media communication platform in Ukraine," noted Azhnyuk on LinkedIn.
With over 800 million users, Telegram is one of the world's largest messengers and news apps. It is also the least transparent among major technology companies, as stated on the Kremlingram.org website.
It is also added that Telegram is founded and developed by a team of Russian engineers and entrepreneurs who are mostly based in Dubai now. Despite the war with Russia, it is still one of the most used apps in Ukraine. There is ample circumstantial evidence indicating Telegram's close ties with the Kremlin, from personal connections of employees with the Russian government to the history of relations, sources of funding, government officials' statements, and overall lack of transparency.
The Kremlingram.org website has Ukrainian and English versions and currently includes key theses and links to articles about Telegram's security and its connections with Russia.
Kremlingram.org is currently looking for a project leader, someone who will conduct further research and coordinate the collaboration of Ukrainian and international researchers, media, legislators, and insiders willing to share previously unknown data with the project.
"If you are deeply interested in this topic, are fluent in Ukrainian and English, write well, have experience managing communities and volunteer teams, have experience working with grants, you are the ideal candidate," noted Yaroslav Azhnyuk.
To apply, one needs to write to kremlingram@gmail.com