The State Bureau of Investigation employees exposed a large-scale, multimillion-dollar scheme to steal the property of trade union organizations. Without the mandatory approval of the State Property Fund, officials illegally sold 80 property complexes in different regions of Ukraine.
Together with SBU employees, it was documented that from 1992 to the present, officials of the Federation of Trade Unions of Ukraine and private joint-stock companies under the control of the Federation, with the prior collusion of a group of individuals, formalized the expropriation of health resorts, sports and other state complexes.
Among the objects: hotels "Tourist" and "Druzhba" in Kyiv; sanatoriums "Zhovten" in Koncha-Zaspa, "Kuyalnik" in Odessa, "Morshinsky" in Lviv region, and "Polyana" in Transcarpathia; sports complexes, etc.

"Kuyalnik" Sanatorium is the oldest mud baths in Ukraine is located in the north-eastern part of Odessa, 13 km from the city center at the foot of the Zhevakhova Mountain on the right bank of the Kuyalnik estuary. The Kuyalnik mud resort, unique in its healing properties, has been helping people improve their health for many decades. Nature did not stint, generously endowing this land with a dry and warm climate, a large number of sunny days a year, therapeutic mud (peloids) and brine, and mineral water sources, creating ideal conditions for healing many diseases.

All profits from the property exploitation will go to the state budget.
Sanctions of the articles provide punishment in the form of imprisonment for up to 12 years.
The Prosecutor General's Office carries out procedural management.