The local authorities of Kilia in the south of the Odessa region are planning a ferry service across the Danube and create a checkpoint across the border to Romania - to the Romanian town of Kilia-Veche, located on the other side of the river.
A ferry across the Danube in the Odessa region should appear between the cities of Kiliya (Ukraine) and Kiliya-Veke (Romania). It will take at least a year to implement the plan, but it is already known that representatives of the Romanian authorities and local residents perceive the idea of ââthe crossing positively.
The plans to create a ferry crossing from Kiliya to Kiliya-Veke became known after the trip of the head of the Kiliya united community Vyacheslav Chernyavsky to Kiliya-Veke, where he held negotiations with representatives of the local authorities. According to Chernyavsky, the idea of ââthe crossing was positively received in the mayor's office of Kiliya-Veke. In addition, residents of the Ukrainian Kilia would like to be able to easily travel to the Romanian city beyond the Danube for everyday needs.

Photo: Alexey Sallo
To create a ferry service, it is necessary to organize a checkpoint. In general, the implementation of the ferry crossing, according to Vyacheslav Chernyavsky, may take about a year.
The new ferry crossing will be of local importance, as both Kiliya and Kiliya-Veche are located away from the main motorways of the Danube region both from Ukraine and Romania. At the same time, the emergence of a new crossing will improve transport links between the south of the Odessa region and Romania, and will also contribute to the development of tourism in the Danube Delta.
Currently, on the Danube section along the Ukrainian-Romanian border with a length of about 180 kilometers, there is only one checkpoint with a ferry crossing - this is the Orlovka â Isaccea crossing.