Every person of Ukraine is obliged to pass a coronavirus test when leaving Ukraine. You take it in advance in special clinics, private hospitals or with family doctor help. But often people "buy" these references or do not have time to pass check in city for personal reasons, and only opportunity in last minutes.
Airport rules odessa
They are:
- Wear protective mask that completely covers your face from the chin to the beginning of your nose;
- Use antiseptic agents that are installed on the territory;
- Keep distance that is safe communication and just being the same room with large number of people;
- Necessarily, wash your hands after visiting public toilet, before eating;
- Do not touch your face, eyes with dirty hands;
- If you have child, he must also wearing mask;

We want to please - airport situation in Odessa covid-19 is improving - now you have incredible opportunity take virus-examination at National airport. Process takes place quickly, comfortably and without prying eyes. Guests can now take covid checking. The testing point for coronavirus Odessa Airport is located in first floor of new terminal. This process will cost 1,500 hryvnia. To take a corona-reference at airfield, you first need to fill out a questionnaire on official special website and pay fixed price, a sample analysis is taken from the nasopharynx. Collection point is situated on first floor new terminal. In comparison, free tests are available at Munich, Copenhagen and Dusseldorf to EU people. Istanbul, cost is quite modest - $ 16. At same time, Frankfurt offers 59 euros with results up to eight hours. Information and data will be ready within one day after analysis. The laboratory independently enters results COVID-19 into electronic system "Public Health center", through which data is automatically synchronized with DIY home mobile service. If final outputing is negative, travelers go through self-isolation within 24-48 working hours according to following scheme:
- Within 24-48 hours after guests have got the final information, special laboratory enters this into electronic system "Center Public Health";
- Documents synchronized with the DIY at home service, and it is on Google Play and in App Store;
- Service automatically inform passengers about the possibility to stop self-isolation.