Russia turned out to be stronger than Western analysts predicted.
This opinion was expressed by Aleksey Arestovich, adviser to the head of the OPU, in an interview with Israel's Best Radio.
The Putin regime has problems, but so far they are not very visible to an ordinary citizen. The collapse of the Russian Federation is possible and even realistic. But this will not happen in the near future, as many would like.
Aleksey Arestovich

Arestovich believes that if "everything goes as it goes, then Putin's regime has one and a half to two years left."
The most realistic scenario is a split in the elites. Riots are unlikely. Although, dissatisfaction with the center in the regions is growing. The lack of a future will kill modern Russia. A bet on the past cannot play. Everyone understands that a dash into the abyss, for the sake of the unrealistic plans of the Kremlin, will lead the regime to collapse
Aleksey Arestovich