On the night of October 31, a powerful explosion occurred at the "Veretye" Air Force base of the Russian Federation (Pskov Region, Island-5). As a result of mining, two Russian KA-52 Alligator attack helicopters and one MI-28N were completely destroyed. Two more were seriously damaged. The explosion scattered helicopter debris in a radius of 200 meters.
Details regarding the destruction of other equipment and personnel are being clarified.
In order to eliminate the consequences of the explosion, as well as to "search for sabotage groups", the personnel of the military unit was put on alert, and investigative actions were carried out in the military unit.
Ka-52 "Alligator" ("Hokum B" according to the NATO classification) is a Russian-made reconnaissance and attack helicopter. The cost of the Ka-52 is about $16 million.

Mil Mi-28"Night Hunter" attack helicopter is a modified version of the basic Mi-28. Effectively used at night. Designed for fire resistance against tanks and other armored vehicles, as well as low-speed air targets and manpower. The estimated cost of the modified version is $16-18 million.