MAINO DESIGN UKRAINE is an organiser and media-coordinator of a number of international projects related to the participation of Ukrainian designers in industrial exhibition, design weeks, art projects and other collaboration.
Their mission to establish non-linear communicational interactions inside the Ukrainian creative society, itâs promotion and connection with the world.
Eugene Puklich was born in 1983 with a pencil in his hand and never thought he would become a designer. In 2000, after graduating from the school, by a happy coincidence he became a student of Kharkov Khudprom Industrial design department. At that time Eugene did not know that he would be engaged in architecture, interiors and subject design. But in 2015, under the influence of three teachers, who gave a shape to his creative thinking, Eugene founded his own design office in Kharkov.
Today Eugene know one thing for sure: you never realize, with mathematical accuracy, how and what will lead you to your goal. But every time, at a certain stage of the creative path, he felt an inner impulse to continue to do what makes the heart beat faster. The main thing is to hear yourself in time and not to be confused with the general noise.
Eugene Puklich and Container Design Studio were a members of the Ukrainian Design Brands project "TOTAL PRESENCE 2020" (organizer by MAINO) and now the designer's items can be seen in the selection in the first Gallery of Ukrainian object design - Panoptikum
I love: my profession, family and snowboarding.
I don't like: the question about the meaning of life and who do you want to be when you grow up.
Eugene Puklich

Today Container Design Studio team consists of 5 regular people and is multidisciplinary studio. The centers of attention of the Studio are subject and industrial design, architectural and interior objects. Its ideology fits into one simple statement:
Any object that we create should not be mediocre and indirect candidate "for the waste container "

It is human nature to forget simple joys and phenomena. But every time, reminding the smell of meadow grasses, the enchanting rustle of autumn foliage or the flow of the river, he man calms down and tends to the foundations of unity with nature. "Gravitation" collection was made to remind a man of the power that makes people walk the earth. In today's circumstances and the ephemerality of life, it is important to pause, think, and relax at least occasionally. That is why the first item in this series was a chair. His tense leg lines vividly reflect the force of gravity, which was the idea.
Contain air

All fixed, movable parts and joins in "contain air" collection are also made of pipe. Gathering dot to dot, then building lines from them, we get a system of dots. Classic dot and line raster. Today, the collection has been developed in all the main typologies of furniture and lighting, from small vases and decor to large storage systems, dining tables, and total house systems, where an object becomes part of the architecture and is a continuation of the walls from which objects "grow", providing a completeness of function and art.
The object the Container Design Studio have created on the verge of art, however, are quite utilitarian, which bring pleasure, benefit and inspiration to their future users. We know that good and thoughtful design in production costs almost the same as bad one.
That is why in the team they pay high attention to the details and quality of the items with a tight selection of "do/not to do". During its 6 years of existence, the studio has managed to take part in several international specialized exhibitions, to win the attention of the best European and Ukrainian art galleries, showrooms, dealer networks and professionals. Container Design Studio believe in good taste and will continue to distribute it.