DTEK Group, the Ukrainian largest private investor in the energy sector, is interested in buying 25% of State-owned shares in JSC Odesaoblenergo, the CEO Maksym Timchenko said recently at a press conference in Kyiv.
DTEK will also consider options and conditions for the sale of other power assets in Ukraine and the EU.
DTEK Grids, the Group subsidiary distributing electricity in Kyiv, Dnipro, Donetsk, Kyiv and Odessa regions, is the current owner of 70.42% of Odesaoblenergo shares, since the end of 2020.
JSC "Odesaoblenergo" is a joint stock company headquartered in Odessa, dealing with distribution, transportation and supply of electricity in the Odessa region.

DTEK was established in 2005 to manage the energy assets of Rinat Akhmetov's System Capital Management Group (SCM, Donetsk). DTEK enterprises form a vertically integrated group for coal mining and processing, production and sale of electricity.
Source and picture: Interfax