In the Odessa region, an IT project "I-mapa" has been implemented to attract tourists to the Southern districts of the Odessa region to Bessarabia.
The project «Interactive tourist map of Western part of Odesa region (I-map)» is implemented as part of the âCulture. Tourism. Regionsâ programme jointly organized by Ukrainian Cultural Foundation (UCF), USAID Competitive Economy Program in Ukraine (CEP), and SME Development Office (SME.DO) at the MinistrÑ for Development of Economy, Trade, and Agriculture of Ukraine. Web-resource is the promoting Western Part of Odessa Region. Website is showing the attraction of the region stimulating the development of local businesses and is the only one reliable resource of independent regional tourism.
The specialists have created a website, where they have collected all the tourist opportunities of the region on one map. Not only historical and architectural landmarks, but also gastronomic places developed by local entrepreneurs. The site is intended to inform tourists about the possibilities of Bessarabia.

I-Map contains information about tourist attractions and local businesses in Western Odessa Region.
They are:
- historical monuments (cultural tourism);
- cultural monuments (cultural tourism);
- protected areas (ecological tourism);
- national cuisine (gastronomic tourism);
- gastronomic and cultural festivals (gastronomic tourism, cultural tourism);
- information regarding tourist attractions is presented in text format in Ukrainian and English and also photos. Videos are presented is Ukrainian with English subtitles.
All this gives the website visitors possibility to get the most realistic picture about tourist attractions and plan their journey according their own taste.