The Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine, together with experts of the world technology giant Google has launched a project to digitize the consequences of the military aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine. The project aims to record the destruction caused by the Russian occupiers in Ukrainian cities and villages.
"This project started from the liberated city of Irpin," said Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs of Ukraine Ihor Bondarenko. - "Several teams start working at the same time. We want to cover as much as possible all the cities that have suffered the most significant destruction, which need to be recorded. This information will be posted on Google Maps and will be available to the general public. The world must see what our cities looked like before and what the aggressor did to them."

It is also planned that the new project will be publicly available for people who want to have objective data about the area and their real estate. They will create a separate service for law enforcement and rescue workers, who can use it as an information and reference resource to coordinate their actions and further record the state of affairs in the region.
The first results of the beginning of coordinated work can be assessed next week. Google experts promise to publish the first panoramic photos of destroyed streets and buildings in Irpin.