The Odessa Classical Music Academy is an innovative cultural and educational project aimed at creating the future musical elite of Ukraine.
The founders and curators of the Academy are Maksym Dyedikov and Viorika Dyedikova, famous musicians, honoured art workers of Ukraine. The President of the Academy is Tatiana Burda, founder and co-owner of the Invogue Fashion Group.
About the project
The main mission of the project is to provide gifted children with the opportunity to take part in master classes from the best performers of classical music and outstanding teachers from around the world. The students of the Academy are talented violinists and cellists from different parts of our country. A prerequisite is the status of a citizen of Ukraine.
Odessa Classical Music Academy is a social project with patronage support for young musicians, it is completely charitable. In other words, after passing the selection, students receive a full scholarship to participate in master classes.

Master classes at the Academy were held on August 28-30, 2020. The teachers of the OCMA 2020 were Fedor Rudin (violin, Austria) and Edgar Moreau (cello, France). Fedor Rudon is a virtuoso violinist, concertmaster of the Vienna Opera and Philharmonic. Edgar Moreau is an incredible sensual cellist who became a laureate of the Tchaikovsky Competition at the age of 17.

Based on the preliminary selection results, 12 talented young musicians were selected, 6 violinists and 6 cellists, who became active participants in master classes on August 28-30 in Odessa! All of them were awarded certificates of active participants, and two musicians who showed themselves in the most striking way, received a full scholarship at the Swiss International Music Academy master classes in 2021.
About next master classes
The next master classes will take place on March 25-28, 2021 in Odessa. This time OCMA invites the world's leading musicians Kirill Troussov (violin, Germany) and Santiago Cañón-Valencia (cello, Colombia).

Further to a preliminary selection, 10 talents from all over Ukraine will be selected, 5 violinists and 5 cellists, who will have the opportunity to learn from the best musicians! Each active participant will have three lessons with invited teachers, and all of them will, of course, be invited to the final gala.
The OCMA also preparing a prize for the best students. As an example, the coperation with Tsinandali Festival means that the best student in the OCMA 2021 cello class will receive a full scholarship to the Tsinandali Festival Academy 2021 master classes! The project is also cooperating with such a world famous car brands as Volvo.
About Maksym Dyedikov and Viorika Dyedikova
Like Pablo Casals, Maksym Dyedikov and Viorika Dyedikova placed their existence at the center of their art. They were born in 1987 on the shores of the Black Sea, Maksym in Odessa, Viorika in the Crimea, surrounded by musical families. Their careers came into their lives, developing quite naturally, but in their thoughts and desires there was always the support and creation of any musical, humanitarian projects in support of the country in which they were born.

Life gave them an opportunity to get an education in leading European Music Academies, to work with such an outstanding teachers as Z. Bron, N. Shakhovskaya, N. Gutman, F. Helmerson, G. Hoffman, D. Bashkirov and to cooperate with world famous soloists and conductors as Y. Bashmet, V. Spivakov, Serzhi Ozava, Simon Ratel, E. Virsaladze, O. Krysa, etc.
In 2008, Maksym was honoured to play the English royal family, in 2012, the cello department of the Queen Sofia High School of Music awarded Maksym the honorary title of best cellist of the year: the award was presented to him personally by the Queen Sofia of Spain.
From an early age, Viorika conducted active concert activities accompanied by leading conductors from Ukraine and Europe and was a participant in all government cultural events. While studying in Switzerland, she won all the highest competitions and the most prestigious scholarships in the country and was honoured to play the violin by Filius-Andrea Guarneri (1714), from 2008 to 2012.

The Odessa Classical Music Academy
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