The international project will focus on key areas of wine market development. Odessa Wine Week will take place on May 18-23, 2021.
Odessa Wine Week (OWW) will bring together leading wine industry experts, scientists, oenologists, winemakers, sommeliers, traders, government officials, entrepreneurs, manufacturers of related products and technologies, marketers, wine experts, journalists, bloggers from Ukraine, Georgia, Armenia, Moldova, France, Spain, USA, China and other countries. Also among the guests of OWW are representatives of the UNESCO Creative Cities Network.
OWW unites the efforts of the Ukrainian wine community, aimed at the development of the wine market of Ukraine, the promotion and promotion of the brand "Ukrainian wine", the integration of Ukraine into the world wine community.
OWW event formats: offline, live broadcasts, offline + online.
Development of the wine market and enogastronomic tourism in Ukraine, popularization and promotion of the Ukrainian wine brand, integration of Ukraine into the world wine community - these are the main directions of Odessa Wine Week.
OWW Programme:
- X anniversary International symposium OENOVITI International.
- Wine Future Forum.
- Conference "Food and wine tourism - a driver for the development of tourist destinations".
- Project "Best Riedel glass for Odessa Black variety".
- Tasting competition "Odessa Wine & Spirit Awards".
- A series of author's tastings from OWW guests and participants for HoReCa and retail representatives.
- Food and Food Festival "Yes, it's delicious".
- Visiting wineries of Odessa region.
- OWW Exposure will work.
OWW locations:
- ONAFT Laboratory of sensory analysis of the Odessa National Academy of Food Technologies.
- Premier Hotel Odesa - Sapphire Conference Hall, Onyx Conference Hall, Mare DiVino Restaurant.
- Odessa Regional State Administration.
- Online platforms: Facebook, Youtube.

Official support of Odessa Wine Week:
Odessa Regional State Administration and Odessa City Council.
Expo-Yug-Service and Odessa National Academy of Food Technologies.
Co-organiser: UKRSADVINPROM.
Organisers of Best Riedel glass for Odessa Black variety:
MIRS Corporation
Odessa National Academy of Food Technologies
KPMG Limited
Official partner hotel:
Premier Hotel Odesa
General media partner
Communicative media group Drinks +
Wine Guide of Ukraine
Foreign Language Courses "Interlingua"