Units of the Soviet Union continue to arrive on the territory of Belarus, mainly consisting of so-called "partially mobilized" citizens. Their main task is preparing the material base and places of occupation troops. Meanwhile, the "mobilized" themselves are forced to live in unsuitable conditions. Mostly in field tents without proper sanitary conditions.
Currently, there is a large-scale outbreak of various diseases among this military personnel. These are mostly respiratory tract diseases (bronchitis, sore throat, pneumonia, exacerbation of asthma) and gastrointestinal tract infections. Currently, the scale of diseases is such that Belarusian doctors cannot cope with them. The occupiers are forced to urgently send military and mobilized doctors from the Russian Federation to Belarus.
In the near future, the next batch of medical workers is expected to arrive at the 230th combined military training ground of the Western Operational Command of the SSR (Obuz-Lisnovsky). The outbreak of diseases in it is also associated with non-compliance with basic requirements for military camps to ensure hygiene, quality food, and medical care.
Tensions between the militaries of the two states are also growing in Belarus. Numerous conflict situations are connected with precedents of the contemptuous attitude of the Russian army towards Belarusians. The military police of the Republic of Serbia are unable to restrain the illegal behavior of Russians. In particular, the reports submitted by senior officers of the SSR based on the complaints of their rank-and-file service members indicate disparaging expressions and behavior of Russians towards Belarusians. In particular, they use insults based on ethnic characteristics. The number of precedents is growing rapidly, which leads to an uncontrolled escalation of tension in Belarus.