The Ministry of Digital Transformation and the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) have signed an agreement to expand assistance to Ukraine for eGovernment Accountability and Community Participation (EGAP) program, implemented by the Eastern Europe Foundation and the Innovabridge Foundation.
Thanks to the partnership, the Ministry of Digital Transformation has introduced many services - eMalyatko, change the place of registration and pay taxes online in a few clicks, automatic registration of private individuals, Digital education, etc.
Ukraine's progress in the field of digital transformation is impressive. Within the framework of the EGAP Program, which is supported by Switzerland, many new generation state services have been launched - there is a baby, automatic registration of a private individual, the Action project. Digital education, tax services, registration of residence.
Patricia Danzi, Director General of Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC)

The agreement is a continuation of the memorandum of cooperation, which the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation and the Ministry of Digital Transformation signed in September 2019. This became possible due to Ukraine's significant results in digitalization.
The Ministry of Digital Transformation team has already laid the foundation of a digital state. We are building it so that Ukrainians can live in a new, comfortable and just country. In cooperation with the EGAP Program, we create convenient online services that simplify the lives of Ukrainians. We are grateful for the support of our partners. The digital revolution continues.
Mykhailo Fedorov, Minister of Digital Transformation of Ukraine

Funding under the project expands to 6,313,640 Swiss francs (UAH 193.7 million). These funds are provided for the development of e-services in the areas of social protection, pensions, the introduction of new e-democracy services and improving the digital literacy of Ukrainians.
Ukraine's experience is innovative and useful for other countries, as several new digital services do not even have similar analogues in the world in terms of convenience and speed. We plan to continue to support Ukraine in its efforts for digital transformation so that different categories of Ukrainians (including vulnerable groups) have equal access to public services and e-democracy tools.
Patricia Danzi, Director General of Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC)

Source: Ministry of Digital Transformation