Main — Articles about renewables-energies - 6
Articles about renewables-energies - 6

33 Ukrainian energy companies have received equipment from the European business to restore electricity supply

20 cars of electrical equipment from Polish companies aimed at restoring energy infrastructure

Poland is interested in entering the Ukrainian gas station market

Denmark has contributed to the Reconstruction Fund of war-damaged energy infrastructure

Update on the situation in the energy sector as of 20:00 February 27

A complex for solid-waste management will be built in Odessa

Ukraine is the 21st for investment potential among energy transition countries

Ukraine is close to integration into the European ENTSO-E network

CWP Europe acquires wind project in Kherson (Ukraine)

30 projects to develop Ukrainian electric power sector

New online format of the "Energy Week Black Sea", 28-30 September 2021

Denmark and Ukraine defined an energy partnership