Main — Articles about state-property-fund-of-ukraine - 2
Articles about state-property-fund-of-ukraine - 2

The Prosecutor's office returned to the state "Kuyalnik" resort sanatorium cost UAH 1 billion

The port of Ust-Dunaisk was sold for UAH 201 million. The Bilhorod-Dnistrovsky Seaport will be sold by the end of winter

The Ukrainian House in Davos opens its doors from January 16 to 19

State Property Fund prepared the first privatization auctions for 2023

Government of Ukraine transferred more than 800 companies to State Property Fund, to be privatised

The old red warehouses of the Odessa port offered up for auction in March 2022

State Property Fund of Ukraine privatised the Odessa Defense Research Institute

Historic record for independent Ukraine: in 2021 lease of State property brought in UAH 1.62 billion

Privatisation of the Odessa Research Institute, which also made "eyes" for Soviet submarines

OdessaVinProm found a new owner: the plant was bought for UAH 234.9 mln

Partnership Guliyev Wines-ZARS Holding to buy out the champagne factory in Odessa

State-owned wine producer Odesavynprom on sale by auction