The Security Service and the Security Service continue to investigate corruption schemes of the former management of PJSC Ukrnafta and PJSC Ukrtatnafta.
During authorized searches on the territory of Odessa and Cherkasy regions, more than 16,000 tons of oil and fuel with an approximate value of almost UAH 800 million were seized from the place of storage of petroleum products by private enterprises.

According to the investigation, the seized products belong to this oil refining company. Licensed custodian enterprises sold the seized petroleum products without paying tax.
During the investigation, the ex-director of the oil refining company, 43% of which is owned by the state, was given a precautionary measure - UAH 199 million in bail. In connection with the non-payment of these funds to the suspect, based on the prosecutor's request, the investigating judge changed his preventive measure from bail to detention in the courtroom.
Investigations are currently ongoing.