This year, Ukraine ranks 6th in the Open Data Maturity 2021 ranking among 34 countries. In 2020, it was in 17th place. The level of maturity of the open data sphere is 94%. Meanwhile, the level of European countries is on average almost 10% lower and is 81%.
Since 2015, the European Data Portal has been conducting the Open Data Maturity Report. It assesses the current state of open data development, countries' progress in data discovery and provides recommendations for improving the situation.
The first six countries ranking, including Ukraine, are trendsetters. These are countries that set trends in the field of open data. The top five includes France, Ireland, Spain, Poland and Estonia. Ukraine had the biggest jump in the rating this year - by 10%. By the way, last year we joined the group of fast trackers - fast-growing countries.

Ukraine has improved its indicators on all assessment points:
- Open Data Policy - 640 points out of 650 possible
- Operation of the open data portal - 614 points
- Influence of open data - 615 points
- Quality of open data - 578 points

In Ukraine, open data is being actively developed by the Ministry of Finance. One of our goals is for Ukraine to become one of the three leaders in the field of open data in three years. The Open Data Maturity 2021 survey results are an objective indication that we are working in the right direction. Link to the full survey.
This year we have achieved significant success in discovering socially necessary information that is vital for the state and business. The process of publishing companies' financial statements has begun, depersonalised customs declarations have been published, and the USR has finally been fully opened. We also launched a center of competence in the field of open data - Action. Open data. And more than 5,000 people have already completed the courses at the competence center.