Ukrainian animated film "Stolen Moon. Kum" won at the Canada Shorts Film Festival. The director and screenwriter of the film, Olga Zakharova, announced this on her Facebook page.
The film won the "Awards of Excellence" nomination.

The director also added that the film's television premiere is planned for December in cooperation with "1+1 Media".
The film was created by the company MaGiKa Film with the support of the Ministry of Culture and Information Policy of Ukraine. MaGiKa Film is one of the first independent production companies in Ukraine based in Kharkiv and Kyiv.
According to the genre "Stolen Moon. Kum" is a Christmas adventure about love, kindness, bravery and honor, imbued with the spirit of Ukrainian legends about Cossacks characters, and images of Christmas family traditions and holidays.

This is a Christmas adventure. The history of Love, Goodness, Bravery and Honor, is imbued with the spirit of Ukrainian legends about the Kozaks, images of Christmas family traditions and holidays. The Ukrainian village, which lives its quiet and peaceful life, comes alive on Christmas eve - fills with songs, music, the spirit of delicious bakeries and the holiday.

Olga Zakharova was the director and screenwriter of the film, the author of the idea and the main artist was Borys Denisevich, the producers were Gennadiy Kofman and Yevhen Zakharov.
The music for the film was performed by Ternopil indie band TikTu and lyre player Gordiy Starukh, a participant in the 11th season of the "Voice of the Country" project. The words of the modern carol were written by the psychologist and poet Svitlana Roiz.
In November, the film "Stolen Moon. Kum" won at the Festival of Animation Studios in Paris.