UkraineInvest and Clear Energy Ltd signed a MOU to create waste disposal station with thermal energy production.
Another project is added to the portfolio of investment projects supported by UkraineInvest in accordance with the law on âinvestnanniesâ!
29 of January, UkraineInvest and Clear Energy Ltd signed a Memorandum of Understanding on Cooperation within the framework of a new investment project for the construction of a complex for solid-waste management in Odessa.
The project envisages creation of a sorting complex and an energy-efficient waste disposal station with thermal energy production. The total amount of investment accounts to nearly 30 mln EUR.

Cleaner Energy Group has been operating in the Ukrainian market since 2015. The company's work is focused on developing Ukraine's energy potential and improving the environmental situation. During this period, the Group made 20 projects already operating in Ukraine and generate electricity and heat to release it into the grid.
Cleaner Energy Group manages a large landfill in Odessa region - per 100 hectares. They are transporting more than 300,000 tons of garbage. The next project will be energy recycling, where the group will produce electricity from methane gas and thermal energy. In this case, the sorted organic matter will go to a landfill to generate power from methane. During the landfill degassing process, flammable methane is destroyed, the harmfulness of which is 24 times higher than CO2 emissions, and "green" electricity is generated. In landfills where degassing is carried out, the stench disappears, grass begins to grow, and the dome of the landfill subsides by 1.5 meters per year.
In Ukraine, gas prices are rising sharply and given the fact that due to the threat of completion of "Nord Stream - 2", there is a shortage of cheap gas for heating. We believe that Cleary Energy Group can lend a hand to our regions in replacing gas with alternative fuels in heat production.
Sergey Savchuk, executive director of Clear Energy Ltd
According to the website Clear Energy, the project provides for creation of a sorting complex for up to 400,000 tonnes of municipal solid waste per year and a combined heat and power plant (CHPP) using RDF fuel with a capacity of 20 MW, generating 74,000 Gcal of thermal energy per year. The sorting line will reduce the amount of waste for disposal in the region by at least 30%, and the generated energy will substitute for 10.5 million cubic meters of natural gas during the heating season.
The report specifies that the thermal energy obtained by burning waste will be supplied at a lower tariff than in the case of burning natural gas. The project implementation involves creation of 85 new jobs.
UkraineInvest provides support to the investor on preparing and implementing the project under the law on âinvestment nannies.â
Clear Energy also plans to invest in a new plant that will produce bioethanol from corn to replace gasoline.
About the company
Clear Energyâ was created by Petro Bahrii Mykhailo Kuchirka and Andrii Hrinenko in July 2015. The company objective was defined as operations in the electricity market.
Already in June 2016, the companyâs specialists put into operation a thermal power plant that works on waste from the woodworking industry and is equipped with equipment manufactured by well-known world leaders.
Since 2017, the company has expanded its operations and started to handle degassing of solid municipal waste landfills by installing a gas-electric generator unit for the production of electric energy with a biogas collection and disposal system. In the space of two years, degassing plants have been successfully operated in 12 regions of Ukraine.
Today, the company employs more than 600 people. Among them are foreign specialists.