The government supported the creation of the Kuyalnik National Nature Park in the Berezivskyi and Odessa districts of the Odessa region.
This will preserve the natural complexes and objects in the basin of the Kuyalnik estuary, which have a special health, historical, cultural and scientific value. It will also ensure the development of the Kuyalnik estuary as a tourist attraction.
10,801,198 hectares of state and communal lands will be transferred to the park: 3490.6753 ha for permanent use; 7310.5227 ha are included in its territory without seizure from land users.

The Kuyalnik estuary is known as an important recreational and balneological object of national and world importance. It is included in the list of 14 most valuable estuarine complexes of the Black Sea region of Ukraine. There is a deposit of therapeutic mud and mineral waters. Kuyalnik estuary is recognized as a resort of national importance - Kuyalnik.

The park is located within the Emerald Network of Europe ("Kuialnytskyi Lyman UA0000143").
The Emerald Network is an ecological network made up of Areas of Special Conservation Interest. Its implementation was launched by the Council of Europe as part of its work under the Bern Convention, with the adoption of Recommendation No. 16 (1989) of the Standing Committee to the Bern Convention.
Since 6 December 2019, seven countries: Andorra, Belarus, Georgia, the Republic of Moldova, Norway, Switzerland and Ukraine, have officially adopted Emerald sites on their territories.