With swords and armor: the festival of medieval culture "Powder Tower", with duels of knights in armor, took place in Odessa
Despite the rain, the traditional festival of medieval culture "Powder Tower" has started in Odessa, as every year. Soldiers in armor held demonstration of sword fights, and for all comers they arranged various master classes and lectures on the Middle Ages.
The Powder Tower, as before, was held in Shevchenko Park near the Quarantine Arch. This year, the festival was a little hindered by rain, but, as the participants themselves note, did not stop it. Knightly duels in the nominations "sword-shield" and "buckler-sword" took place despite the bad weather. There was also a small tournament among children under 16 years old.

Archery tournaments and master classes in medieval hairstyles were held nearby. Dances were also planned, but due to the weather they had to be postponed for the evening. In the late afternoon, there will also be a small rock concert that will close the first day of the festival.

I would like, of course, different weather, but this year we have a lot of people willing to participate. Today there are more than fifty of us, and this is one of the biggest festivals for the Powder Tower
Oleg Kvashnin, President of the Tangar Association of Historical Fencing and Reconstruction
He added that if there are no problems with the weather, the finals of knightly battles will be held at the same place on the second day.