The developer community of Ukraine DOU compiled a rating of the best IT employers in Ukraine in 2022.
In 2022, almost 20,000 IT specialists evaluated 842 companies. Based on their voting results, we compiled a rating of the best employers in Ukraine. Ratings were made according to five blocks of questions: compensation, working conditions, project, career, and loyalty. See who's on top this year.
Almost 20 thousand IT specialists evaluated 842 companies. IT company INTELLIAS leads the list of companies employing more than 1,500 specialists. SIGMA SOFTWARE took second place, and GENESIS took third place.

Among the companies that employ from 800 to 1,500 specialists, ALLSTARSIT scores the highest. SQUAD AND PLARIUM placed second and third, respectively.

The average indicators in companies with 200-800 specialists are slightly higher than in the aforementioned IT companies. COSPUTOOLS AND TRIONIKA specialists are almost 100% satisfied with their work in companies. For 1%, both asked only for compensation.

Winners by region

Leaders in Odessa

DOU has been making a similar rating for ten years, starting in 2012. The Lviv IT company Intellias leads the rating for the second year in a row