Main — Business - 484
Business - 484

Museum of the Socialism Monuments

Tourism 2020 Vision

QTerminals (Qatar) will invest $ 120 million in the Ukrainian seaport of Olvia (Oktyabrsk)

How Import and Export between Ukraine and the EU changed over four years

Czech Airlines: Prague - Odessa in May

Epicentr K donated protective equipment for doctors of the Odessa Region's hospitals

Chinese Consulate in Odessa helps to fight Coronavirus epidemic

The Turkish contractor ONUR will repair 40 km of Kyiv-Odessa highway

La Boussole

Fitch revised outlook on Odessa to 'Stable' and affirmed the ratings at 'B'

Two grain bulk carriers handled in Odessa Sea Port at the same time

Nicosia (Cyprus) sister city of Odessa