By the 30th anniversary of Ukraine's independence,, with the support of the Ukrainian Agricultural Business Club Association, launched the #30agrofacts project. They have collected 30 key facts that have occurred over the years and influenced the formation of the country's agri-food sector.
By the materials of AgroPortal
1991 The resolution of the Verkhovna Rada "on land reform" was published and the law of Ukraine "On peasant farming" was adopted with the possibility of privatizing land in the amount of a share and obtaining 50 hectares for use.
1992 May 15 - unbundling of lands of non-state agricultural enterprises in Ukraine. adoption of a new version of the Land Code of Ukraine with norms on land reform and privatization.
1993 farm boom - more than 10,000 new farms per year.
1995 August 8 - approval of the procedure for unbundling of agricultural lands and issuance of certificates for land shares. Approval of the methodology for determining the normative monetary valuation of agricultural land.
1996 State order for agricultural products. Approval of the position of the Ministry of Agrarian Policy.
1997 The largest reduction in livestock and mass exports of live farm animals.
1998 Financial crisis, devaluation and rising credit rates.
1999 Introduction of preferential taxation of the agricultural sector: fixed agricultural tax and preferential VAT regime.
2000 December 20 - adoption of the decree of President Leonid Kuchma "on the basic principles of development of the social sphere of the village".
2001 October 25 - Approval of the Land Code of Ukraine, which introduced a moratorium on the sale of agricultural land until January 1, 2005. Later prolonged.
2003 Record low grain yield (20.2 million tons) and the need to import it.

2004 Approval of the law "On state support of agriculture of Ukraine".
2005 Agricultural enterprises are gradually beginning to move to a general regime of payment of contributions to social funds, increased rates of FSP.
2006 Restrictions on grain exports and signing of a grain memorandum. Restrictions on exports of meat and dairy products from Ukraine to Russia and an unsuccessful attempt to introduce minimum prices for milk.
2007 Establishment of an association of the Ukrainian club of agrarian business.
2008 May 16 - Ukraine acquires membership in the World Trade Organization.
2009 November 16 - Ukraine's accession to the seed schemes of the OECD.
2010 October 11 - for the first time a quota of grain exports from Ukraine was introduced.
2011 Introduction of export duties on grain 2012 The state land cadastre has earned.
2014 The process of decentralization has begun with the adoption of the concept of reform of local self-government and territorial organisation of power in Ukraine. Parliament passed a number of "decentralization" laws.
2015 Reforming the control system and the government's decision to establish a state food service 2015 The role of the EU and Asian countries in the sale of products of Ukrainian exporters increased against the background of the declining role of the CIS countries.
2016 On January 1, the agreement on Ukraine's free trade zone with the EU entered into force.
2017 On December 8, the Verkhovna Rada voted for the so-called "soybean amendments", which led to problems in the work of farmers, reducing acreage and reducing exports
2018 The law on state control of food safety came into force, which significantly brought the legislation closer to the European principles of control
2019 Elimination of the Ministry of Agrarian Policy. In Ukraine, the record harvest of grains and legumes in the history of independence - 75 million tons. In 2019/20, Ukraine became the world's second largest exporter of grain
2020 On March 31, the council passed a law on the opening of the land market. The President of Ukraine signed a bill abolishing "soybean amendments".

2020 Grain exports worth 22.39 billion, beating the record of 2019 at 22.35 billion.
2021 Introduction of the land market in Ukraine. Restoration of the Ministry of Agrarian Policy.