
Houseboat by C-Job Nikolayev

Houseboat by C-Job Nikolayev
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The design bureau "C-Job Nikolayev" has developed a project for a houseboat - a floating house.

These houses can be used in the tourism industry. Certainly, in areas that do not pose threats due to combat operations. These mobile houses on water, which can be quickly moved and concentrated in areas along the Southern Bug, Dnieper, and other rivers during the season or for holding festivals, can be an additional factor that facilitates solving the challenges of the tourism business or simply provides new opportunities for private leisure.


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The "C-Job Nikolayev" houseboat features a two-level steel structure on a floating platform. The project includes mooring, towing, and rescue equipment, systems for connecting to shore infrastructure, heating, and water supply. Energy is supplied through solar panels, a wind generator, and a diesel generator.


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