The SBU initiated the seizure and transfer to the Agency for Investigation and Management of Assets (AIMA) of the assets of one of the Vinnytsia enterprises controlled by the Russian Federation in the amount of more than UAH 2 billion.
We are talking about the Vinnytsia company, which specializes in producing household chemicals. Its owner is a Russian oligarch and a "United Russia" political party member.

In particular, the following were transferred to state administration:
- corporate rights in the form of 100% of the company's authorized capital in the amount of over UAH 1.5 billion;
- produced products and raw materials, worth more than UAH 500 million, which were in the company's warehouses.

The SBU notes that the enterprise's top management tried to hide finished products and raw materials from nationalization by taking them to the territory of the Odessa region. To do this, the company's management organized the transportation of goods by trucks, on which the symbols of the Red Cross humanitarian organization were applied without the relevant documents available.
After the start of the full-scale invasion of the Russian Federation, they began the process of withdrawing assets from Ukraine in the interests of the Russian owner.

Thanks to the intervention of the SBU, the scheme was exposed and the withdrawal of the company's assets was prevented. Seizure of assets took place within the framework of criminal proceedings.
A pre-trial investigation is underway to establish all the circumstances of the offenses and bring the perpetrators to justice.