The Office of the Prosecutor General reports in Telegram that more than 1706 children have been affected in Ukraine due to the full-scale armed aggression by the Russian Federation. As of the morning of January 8, 2024, according to official information from juvenile prosecutors, 520 children have died, and over 1186 have suffered injuries of varying degrees of severity," the statement reads.
These figures are not final, and work is ongoing to establish them in areas of combat, temporarily occupied, and liberated territories.
The highest number of affected children is in Donetsk region - 504, Kharkiv region - 312, Kherson region - 145, Kyiv region - 130, Dnipropetrovsk region - 106, Zaporizhia region - 100, Mykolaiv region - 97, Chernihiv region - 72, and Luhansk region - 67.