Invogue#ART invites you to a new self-care project! The exhibition "Sorge" will run until November 10.
At the end of the 1st century BC, the ancient Roman polymath and writer Gaius Julius Gigin wrote that self care is the central state of human existence. Caring made people out of sound, and Jupiter endowed them with a soul. Later, in the twentieth century, philosopher Martin Heidegger deduced the concept of "sorge" while reflecting on care. Here, care is the main aspiration and the meaning of human existence. It is through caring - about oneself or another - that a person experiences his own existence. Thanks to this trait, he not only exists on automatism but lives a real life, cognizes himself and reality.

But what does caring mean in today's world? In particular, self-care? It often does not look as attractive as it seems. Real self-care is not a bubble bath or chocolate cake. And the choice to build your life so that you don't have to run away from it constantly, even if this can be achieved through overcoming oneself.
In the "Sorge" project, 6 Ukrainian artists demonstrated their vision of self-care. For some, this is a way out of complex relationships, for others - defending their rights, and for someone, care is seen in a tender attitude towards oneself and others.

- Pazza Pennello (Odessa-Kyiv)
- Anna Anufrieva (Odessa)
- Elena Zublevich (Odessa)
- Alexandra Tokareva (Kyiv)
- Valentin Lapshin (Odessa)
- Valeria Fokina (Odessa)
You can see the exhibition every day from 11:00 to 20:00. Free entrance