"Bucha" is a dramatic film based on real events that took place in the towns of Bucha, Vorzel, and Hostomel (Kyiv region) during the Russian occupation in the early months of the war, in February and March 2022. The story follows a foreigner who decides to fight against evil in Ukraine, a country that has become his home.
The leading roles in "Bucha" are played by renowned Polish actor Cezary Lukaszewicz and Ukrainian film star Vyacheslav Dovzhenko.
The film focuses on the heroic efforts of Konstantin Gudauskas, a citizen of Kazakhstan who had sought refuge in Ukraine and was living in Bucha. With the start of the Russian invasion, his Kazakh passport allowed him to travel into the Russian-occupied territory and evacuate civilians. Konstantin not only saves lives but also witnesses the horrors of war and occupation. The film also includes a scene where the famous Ukrainian composer, Shevchenko Prize laureate Ihor Poklad, is rescued while in his home in Vorzel.
Olexander Shchur, the screenwriter and producer of the film, explained the two main goals behind the project:
"The first goal is to oppose Russian propaganda worldwide. Cinema is one of the most powerful tools for conveying global messages. If anyone believes that people in Europe and the US know exactly what happened here and only believe us, they are deeply mistaken. Russians have already made and are showing propaganda films such as 'Azovstal: Liberation' and 'Witness' with their version of events in Mariupol and Bucha. There is a risk that the world will watch these Russian films and accept their narratives. We must deliver the truth! Our second goal is to honor the memory of those who perished. While working on the script, we met with all the heroes or relatives of the deceased. The first thing we asked was whether they were willing to share their story for the film and whether such a film was necessary. And they all replied: 'Yes, we want the world to know about this.'"
In 2023, the film was presented at some of the most influential global film events, including a special event dedicated to the film at the European Film Market of the Berlin International Film Festival (Berlinale) in February, as well as separate screenings in New York and Boston. In early September, working materials were showcased at the 80th Anniversary Venice International Film Festival (La Biennale di Venezia) and the Toronto International Film Festival.
In 2024, the film's materials were presented at the Cannes Film Festival's Film Market in May and at the Tribeca Film Festival's Film Market in New York in June.