Main — Articles about wineries-of-ukraine
Articles about wineries-of-ukraine

Shabo will be presented on the Finnish market

Russians stole 100-year-old wines from Prince Trubetskoy winery

Russian occupiers decided to "sell" the legendary Inkerman winery in Crimea

Ukraine returns to the International Organization of Viticulture and Winemaking

Brave Wine: a weekend of the best Ukrainian wines in Kyiv

Ukrainian winemakers will be able to participate in the annual Judgment of Kingston wine event in 2023

The Ukraine of wine, despite the war

IV International Scientific and Practical Conference "Successful Viticulture and winemaking"

The President signed a law to promote the development of viticulture and horticulture in Ukraine

Ministry of Agrarian Policy plans to remove excise duty on Ukrainian wines

Odessa Wine Week 2022 will take place on May 25-29