
New cooling system of the South-Ukrainian Nuclear Power Plant with Italian technology

New cooling system of the South-Ukrainian Nuclear Power Plant with Italian technology
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The first two basins for the water supply system were put into operation at the Tashlyk reservoir (close to Odessa region). They are designed to improve the cooling system of power units of the South-Ukrainian Nuclear Power Plant (SUNPP) during the warm season.

This intervention is within the framework of the project "Reconstruction of the technical water supply system at the Tashlyk reservoir and spray basins of the South Ukraine Nuclear Power Plant".

Petr Kotin, Acting President of NNEGC Energoatom, Chairman of the Board of NEC Ukrenergo Volodymyr Kudritskiy, People's Deputy of Ukraine Artem Chernomorov, Mayor of Yuzhnoukrainsk Valeriy Onufrienko took part in the celebrations on the occasion of the launch of the first stage of the spray pools.

This year, the third and fourth pools of the five envisaged and the third hydroelectric unit of the Tashlyk PSPP will also be put into operation, and the completion of the reconstruction and launch of the pool No. 5 is scheduled for 2022. The result that we expect from the implementation of this project is an increase in the electricity production of the SUNPP in the summer period by 40%.

Petr Kotin, Acting President of Energoatom

He added: the use of modern technologies and equipment during construction will make it possible to increase the production of electricity to 2,549 million kWh at the maximum estimated estimate.

The head of Energoatom expressed gratitude to the general contractor, PrJSC Yuzhenergostroy, and the manufacturer of pumping equipment, the Italian company Termomeccanica Pompe, which entered the first start-up operations on time.

According to experts, the commissioning of five spray pools will reduce the temperature of the circulating water by 7-8 ° C; each pool by about 1.4 ° C. This will make it possible to avoid losses in electricity production at the SUNPP and remove restrictions on the capacity of nuclear power units during the hot season. Indeed, now the Tashlyk reservoir ensures the operation of the SUNPP at a nominal capacity of 3000 MW only in the cold season. In the summer, due to the increase in the temperature of the circulating water, the plant's capacity is limited to 1800 MW, and on especially hot days - to 1500 MW.

The project also provides for the arrangement of a jet curtain in the water area of ​​the Tashlyk reservoir and the construction of a complex of facilities for filling and replenishing the cooling reservoir. This will improve the water-chemical and temperature regimes of the cooling pond, which will positively affect the local flora and fauna.

The estimated cost of the construction of a complex of five spray pools is UAH 3.4 billion, as of April 1, 2021, work has been completed for UAH 2.3 billion.

The total cost of another project that is being implemented at the South-Ukrainian energy complex - the completion of the TGAES - is equal to UAH 14.25 billion, as of May 1, 2021, UAH 3.3 billion was financed.

The cost of this project includes UAH 910.6 million for a social and environmental programme for the development of the region - improvement of medical and social services for the population of the Nikolaev region, the development of engineering communications. From the pledged funds, UAH 191.8 million has already been spent on such programmes.

According to expert estimates, thanks to the implementation of the project to complete the construction of the third hydroelectric unit of the Tashlyk PSPP, over the next eight years, TGAES revenues can reach a total of UAH 4.5 billion.

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