The law regulates the issues of providing comprehensive support to the Poles in Ukraine.
The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine adopted a law on special guarantees for Polish citizens in Ukraine.
MP Yaroslav Zheleznyak announced this in his Telegram channel.
He noted that 283 people's deputies voted for adopting the law "On the establishment of legal and social guarantees for citizens of the Republic who are on the territory of Ukraine" (registration number 7550).
According to the law, citizens of Poland will be able to stay on the territory of Ukraine within 18 months after the adoption of the law and enjoy all the rights and freedoms like citizens of Ukraine. In particular, we are talking about the right to employment without a special permit to use the labor of foreigners, state registration as taxpayers and obtaining a registration number of a taxpayer's account card, carrying out economic activities, obtaining education, social benefits, medical care on the terms of citizens of Ukraine.

On March 13, Poland's law came into force to support Ukrainian citizens arriving in the country due to Russian aggression. The law regulates the legality of the stay of Ukrainians in Poland and the provision of comprehensive support to them.
On May 22, President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky announced the submission to Parliament of a bill on the special legal status of Polish citizens in Ukraine. He considers it "the right gesture" to adopt a law that will mirror the Polish law on support for Ukrainians.