In October, the Ministry of Health has started preparing a strategy for developing the health care system until 2030.
The 2030 Health System Development Strategy will be developed by the Ministry of Health by 1 December 2021 with the involvement of key health stakeholders and in collaboration with international partners. This task is defined in the Decree of the President of Ukraine No. 369/2021.
The strategy is based on 6 modern principles and values: universal access, equality and involvement, human-centeredness, accountability, clear intersectoral interaction and prevention of deterioration of the socio-economic situation of the patient due to deteriorating health. They are identified as the main ones and will determine the development of all areas of the health care system.
Oleksiy Yaremenko, Deputy Minister of Health for European Integration

Photo: Ministry of Health
He added that the main directions of the strategy would be the provision of quality medical services and their financing, the state of public health and the fight against epidemics, the availability of medicines and medical devices, as well as the development of medical education, science, and human resources.
Almost 30 representatives of various CEBs, international and patient organizations, and professional associations are involved in the work on the strategy. Work on the document will be with the technical support of WHO and the World Bank.