Families of sailors from the cruiser "Moscow" are forced to withhold information about their dead relatives. Social tensions among relatives of Russians killed on the Moscow cruiser continue to rise. A special group of psychologists, doctors and lawyers is working with the sailors' families to improve the difficult psychological condition of the families of the crew of the former flagship of the Black Sea Fleet, which sank on April 14, 2022.
According to the military intelligence of Ukraine, the main goal of the group is to prevent the leakage of information about the dead and missing occupiers.
They try to persuade relatives not to talk to anyone about their sons and husbands who served on the cruiser. If they refuse, they will be threatened with non-payment of compensation and criminal prosecution.
In Sevastopol, during a meeting between the commander of the Black Sea Fleet and the relatives of the dead sailors, the house of naval officers was guarded by military police, and a group of special forces accompanied the commander himself. Some relatives, in protest, did not come to the meeting with the fleet command.