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Main Business — French-Ukrainian partnership to produce high-rise lifts for fire trucks


French-Ukrainian partnership to produce high-rise lifts for fire trucks

06 Apr, 2021
French-Ukrainian partnership to produce high-rise lifts for fire trucks

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Ukraine together with France will produce high-rise elevators for fire trucks. It was said by the Interior Minister Arsen Avakov said during the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding between the State Emergency Service of Ukraine and the French company Echelles Riffaud.

According to Avakov, a critical situation has developed in the fire and rescue units with modern technical means to extinguish fires and rescue people from high-rise buildings. The minister said that the existing equipment has been in operation for more than 40 years, and 90% of it have already worked out all the established terms of operation.

Unfortunately, Ukraine has not produced and does not produce such equipment. Therefore, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, together with French partners, agreed on the production of modern firefighting equipment for Ukrainian rescuers.

In particular, we are talking about the production of complexes with lifts up to 33 and 42 meters.

Arsen Avakov, Minister of Internal Affairs of Ukraine

According to the press service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine, the document was signed by the head of the State Emergency Service Mykola Chechotkin, General Director of Echelles Riffaud Benjamin Coustillier and export director of the company Mark Larov.

However, an important aspect of bilateral cooperation is the condition when French-made cars will be assembled at Ukrainian factories. In addition, our specialists will be trained by their French colleagues.

Arsen Avakov, Minister of Internal Affairs of Ukraine

The Odessa Journal

The Odessa Journal

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