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2nd day of War. Chronicles

25 Feb, 2022
2nd day of War. Chronicles

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By Dumskaya

Photo: Mykolaiv

The open attack of the Russian Federation on Ukraine continues, which Putin launched on February 24 at 5 am.

Tonight, the defense forces continued to resist significant offensive groups of Russian invaders, according to the headquarters.

The enemy launched an airstrike on units in the Kropivnitsky area.

Significant activity of enemy helicopters was noted in the areas above Vilkove and Tiraspol.

In the Kyiv region, in the area of ​​the settlements of Dymer and Ivankov, the air assault troops of the Armed Forces of Ukraine are fighting. A large number of enemy armored vehicles advanced into this area. The enemy was stopped at the turn of the Teterov River, and the bridge across the river has been destroyed.

Another tactical group from the defense forces keeps the Gostomel airfield from the Russian landing.

“The air forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine protect the sky over Kyiv. So, after 4 hours, the Ukrainian air defense system did not allow two deadly gifts from the "brothers" to reach the capital," the headquarters said.

UPDATED AT 07:28. In Lviv and Kyiv, an air alert was announced. People are asked to go to shelters.

UPDATED AT 07:31. In the Donetsk operational area, the situation remains under control as of 07:00, according to the General Staff.

Russian troops continue to shell the positions of the Joint Forces, cities and civilian infrastructure.

In the area of ​​Shchastya, Stanitsa Luganskaya, Lobachevo and Belovodsk, at night, enemy sabotage and reconnaissance groups repeatedly tried to enter the rear of our troops, but were timely detected and destroyed.

Ukrainian defenders launched artillery strikes on firing positions and clusters of Russian equipment. Information about enemy losses is being specified.

UPDATED AT 07:48. The bridge near Irpin (close to Kyiv) was blown up

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UPDATED AT 07:54. From 5:40 am, active movements of enemy military equipment began in the Sumy region, according to the chairman of the Sumy regional military-civilian administration Dmitry Zhivitsky.

The battle began in the vicinity of Akhtyrka at about 7:30 am from Pisarevka. Queues are heard with a certain frequency near the part of the Sumy territorial defense on the street. Kondratiev.

“The situation in the region is alarming. But you must hold on. Military equipment is in transit through the region. In all cities of regional significance, on all administrative buildings, Ukrainian flags. Information about yesterday's tricolor over the RSA building and in Glukhov is not confirmed," Zhivitsky said.

UPDATED AT 08:16. Air raid alert again in Kyiv. Everyone was asked to hide.

UPDATED AT 08:21. The Ukrainian military managed to keep the defense and repel the breakthrough of Russian troops in the Chernihiv direction and directly on the approach to Chernihiv, said the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine Valeriy Zaluzhny.

Enemy equipment was forced to retreat from Chernihiv in the direction of Sednev and from Gorodnya to Semenovka.

Enemy trophies were captured - equipment and documents with personal data of the Russian occupiers.

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UPDATED AT 08:58. The SBU reports: in Chernomorsk, near Odessa, a pro-Russian saboteur was detained, who left marks on the ground for enemy landings.

The department calls on citizens: if you see a cross painted with bright paint on the ground, erase it or cover it with earth. Such marks guide enemy landing and aviation.

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UPDATED AT 09:06. The battle for Kherson continues. Mayor Igor Kolykhaev said that there was a battle for the Antonovsky bridge at night on the outskirts of the city. The bridge was held, enemy equipment was destroyed on it.

Kherson deputy Yury Rozhkov, who helped the militants during the battle, was seriously wounded.

UPDATED AT 09:11. Deputy Defense Minister Anna Malyar reports: the Russian military seized two vehicles of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, dressed in Ukrainian uniforms, and are trying to break into the center of Kyiv. A convoy of Russian trucks follows them.

“They will definitely be destroyed,” Malyar said.

UPDATED AT 09:20. The headquarters of the JFO reported that in the morning the invaders tried to make a breakthrough near the settlement of Trekhizbenka in the Luhansk region. Our defenders knocked out two enemy tanks and one infantry fighting vehicle and forced the enemy to retreat.

UPDATED AT 09:22. The State Border Service reports: at night, the Russians launched a missile attack on border guards in the village of Primorsky Posad, in the Zaporizhzhia region on the shores of the Sea of ​​Azov. There are dead and wounded defenders of the border.

UPDATED AT 09:37. President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky recorded a morning address to citizens. He compared the actions of the Russian army - the night bombing of Kyiv and other cities with the tactics of the fascist invaders in 1941.

The President said that our air defense systems continue to resist enemy aircraft.

"Kalibr missiles are helpless against our freedom," Zelensky stressed.

During the night, according to him, the enemy failed to achieve significant success on Ukrainian land.

“Our guys and girls did not allow the enemy to implement the operational plan for the invasion on the first day. Our citizens show real heroism. In most directions, the enemy was stopped, fighting is underway. The Russian attack continues with the expectation that our forces will be tired. But we cannot be defeated,” Zelensky said.

At the end of the speech, the president called on the Russian Federation to negotiate.

“Russia will have to talk to us. Talk about how to end the fighting, how to stop your invasion. The sooner the conversation starts, the less Russia's losses will be," the president said.

UPDATED AT 09:47. The country's leadership decided to award the title of Heroes of Ukraine to all 13 border guards who laid down their lives but did not surrender to the enemy on Snake Island. Eternal glory to the Heroes!

UPDATED AT 09:57. The Ministry of Defense of Ukraine reports: enemy sabotage and reconnaissance group penetrated the Obolon district of Kyiv, which borders on Gostomel, where battles with Russian paratroopers continue.

Citizens are urged to destroy the saboteurs by any means.

UPDATED AT 10:04. The Armed Forces of Ukraine have opened an account of enemy aircraft shot down today. The first aircraft of the aggressor was shot down near the village of Voznesenskoye in the Cherkasy region. Zoya Vovk, the speaker of the regional police, informed Suspilny about this.

According to her, the plane crashed outside the boundaries of the settlement. The pilot managed to eject, he is wanted.

UPDATED AT 10:10. Deputy Minister of Defense of Ukraine Anna Malyar clarified that enemy saboteurs in the Obolon district of the capital had been destroyed.

UPDATED AT 10:22. They began to put up leaflets with information about the nearest bomb shelters in Odessa. A Dumskaya correspondent photographed one of them in the city center.

UPDATED AT 10:24. Residents of the Obolon district of Kyiv report that now there is a fierce battle with the use of armored vehicles.

UPDATED AT 10:29. The General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine reported the details of yesterday's undermining of the Genichesk automobile bridge in the Kherson region.

To stop the advance of enemy tanks, Marine Vitaly Skakun sacrificed his life. He mined the bridge and did not withdraw during the enemy attack. The warrior told his colleagues that he was blowing up the bridge and died, destroying the column of invaders.

The command of the Marine Corps will petition for the award of a state award to the deceased. Eternal glory to the Hero!

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Vitaly Skakun

UPDATED AT 10:38. At dawn, the Millerovo military airfield in the Rostov region of the Russian Federation was attacked. This was reported in the command of the Air Force of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. There is no exact information about who attacked the Russians.

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UPDATED AT 10:46. At the village of Oleshki, near Kherson, our forces destroyed an enemy column.

UPDATED AT 10:50. During the morning battles in the Kherson region, another column of Russians was destroyed. These are gunners who traveled from the Crimea with Z marks on their vehicles.

UPDATED AT 10:58. There was a photo and video of the destruction of Russian saboteurs at Obolon in Kyiv. The saboteurs were dressed in the uniform of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, with Ukrainian documents. They were liquidated.

UPDATED AT 10:59. Note that another group of Russians broke into Kyiv on armored vehicles under their own flag. They were also stopped.

UPDATED AT 11:09. A video of yesterday's events on Snake (Zmeiiny) Island appeared, filmed by one of the border guards before the start of a massive shelling from the Russian missile cruiser "Moscow".

To the demands to surrender, our defenders answered: “Russian ship - go to hell **.”

UPDATED AT 11:17. An air alert has been declared in Kyiv, Kharkiv and Chernihiv.

UPDATED AT 11:18. Across the country, hundreds of patriots are enlisting in the territorial defense to defend the Motherland. In the photo below: queues of volunteers in Rivne and Poltava.

The headquarters of the TRO inform: to sign up, it is enough to have a passport and an identification code with you.

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UPDATED 11:23. The enemy tried to launch a missile attack on the outskirts of Vinnytsia. Our air defense shot down an enemy cruise missile.

UPDATED at 11:29. Ukrainian Defense Minister Oleksiy Reznikov said that 18,000 machine guns and ammunition for them were distributed to the residents of Kyiv overnight.

Terodefense calls on residents of all Ukrainian cities: if you see the advance of Russian troops, go outside and block them by any means. Stand in the way of the occupiers with Ukrainian flags, shoot them on your phones, demonstrate to the enemy by all actions that he is not welcome on Ukrainian soil.

UPDATED AT 11:39. There were several more videos with Russian prisoners.
Two paratroopers were captured during a night battle in the Kherson region, where they landed from helicopters. The occupiers say they were training in Crimea and had no idea that they were being transferred to Ukraine.

Another four Russians were captured on the outskirts of Sumy. They were traveling as part of an automobile convoy, which was destroyed by the forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and the territorial defense.

UPDATED AT 11:46. The Russians fired a volley of rockets at the residential areas of Kharkiv.

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UPDATED AT 11:51. Russian Grads that fired at Kharkiv were destroyed

UPDATED AT 11:55. Deputy Minister of Defense of Ukraine Anna Malyar reported the operational situation as of 10:00.

The Russians continue to shell Ukrainian cities with Kalibr missiles. Aiming and adjustment of fire is carried out from A-50 aircraft, which circle in the sky of Belarus and over the Crimea. The enemy is increasingly targeting residential areas to intimidate the population.

Russian Il-76s with paratroopers on board arrived in Belarusian Gomel. These planes were planned to be landed in Gostomel, near Kiev, but our defenders smashed the airfield take-off and blocked the Russian special forces there, due to which the landing operation on the outskirts of the capital fell through.

Now the Russians are trying to break through to Kyiv by land along the Gomel-Chernigov-Kyiv line. The 1st separate tank brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine "Cold Yar" stopped their breakthrough in the Chernihiv region along the Bilous River. The enemy has regrouped and is trying to bypass Chernihiv from the other side.

On the other hand, the invaders are trying to break out to Kyiv along the Kozelets - Brovary line in the direction of Konotop - Nizhyn - Kyiv. Konotop is now occupied, and fighting in this area continues.

In the north of Ukraine, the invaders have reached the Kherson-Novaya Kakhovka-Kakhovka line and are holding the South Crimean Canal. Kherson is under our control, battles are being fought on the city's outskirts.

The enemy laid siege to Melitopol. The fighting for the city continues.

The Russians did not achieve any success in the Donetsk and Lugansk regions.

In the districts of Kharkiv, Ukrainian troops stopped the advance of enemy forces from the Russian city of Valuyki. The troops of the Armed Forces of Ukraine entrenched themselves in positions.

The Ukrainian Air Force and Air Defense carry out the assigned combat missions and protect the country's sky.

UPDATED AT 12:11. In the Lugansk region, the enemy attacked a convoy of buses going to the city of Shchastya to evacuate the civilian population with Grad missiles.

This was announced by the head of the region's military-civilian administration, Sergei Gaidai. Information about the victims is being specified.

UPDATED AT 12:24. The ground forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine report: an enemy tank breakthrough has been stopped in the Chernihiv region. Our defenders burned 20 enemy tanks.

Another column of enemy equipment was destroyed near the village of Repki in the Chernihiv region. Destroyed 10-15 enemy vehicles. The losses of the enemy are specified.

UPDATED AT 12:29 PM. In the morning over Kharkiv, a Ukrainian MiG-29 fighter shot down a Russian Su-35. Residents of the city filmed an air battle and the defeat of an enemy fighter.

UPDATED AT 13:09. The Mariupol City Council spoke about the situation in the city.

As a result of the first day of fighting, 35 wounded are in hospitals. Nine of them are in critical condition.

The main source of the city's water supply from the Siversky Donets was interrupted, and water comes from the reserve, from the Starokrymsky reservoir.

Residents of the city are provided with electricity. But as a result of enemy shelling, 34 transformer substations were damaged. There is a partial lack of electricity in the Levoberezhny and Kalmius regions.

Enemy artillery strikes inflicted multiple damages to residential buildings. Now there is no way to restore them. Public transport operates as usual.

It is noted that one enemy saboteur was detained in the city. Law enforcement officers are taking measures to prevent provocations.

UPDATED AT 14:19. Prosecutor General of Ukraine Irina Venediktova said that several criminal proceedings were opened on Russian attacks on Ukrainian cities.

A nighttime rocket strike on a high-rise building in Kyiv qualifies as a "terrorist attack". A drone strike on the headquarters in Vinnytsia, as a result of which two soldiers and one civilian were injured, was qualified as a “sabotage”.

UPDATED AT 2:23 PM. Near the port of Yuzhny in the Odessa region, a Russian ship shot down a merchant ship flying the flag of Moldova - the bunkering vessel Millennium Spirit.

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This was announced by the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine Valery Zaluzhny. There is no communication with the ship at the moment, and the circumstances are being clarified.

UPDATED AT 15:06. The Ministry of Defense of Ukraine reported that today the invaders have already lost more than a thousand of their soldiers.

“Russia has never experienced such a number of losses of military personnel during such a period of hostilities during its existence in any armed conflict that it unleashed,” the Ministry of Defense noted.

UPDATED AT 15:09. The headquarters of the Joint Forces Operation informs: in the afternoon, Ukrainian forces launched a counteroffensive near the village of Belovodsk in the Lugansk region. They repelled an attempt by an enemy breakthrough and entrenched themselves on new lines.

UPDATED AT 15:27. There are new photos of the destroyed Russian saboteurs and their equipment, which our defenders met with dignity today in the Obolonsky district of Kyiv.

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UPDATED AT 15:33. In Odessa, near the recruitment center (military enlistment office) of the Primorsky district on Kanatnaya, 87, the police detained a suspicious man. In social networks, they write that this is a saboteur, but perhaps just a provocateur.

UPDATED AT 15:38. Another foreign merchant ship came under Russian fire near the port of Yuzhny.

The Ukrainian Seaports Administration reports that an enemy missile hit the stern of the Panamanian bunker ship NAMURA QUEEN and damaged the equipment on board. A fire started on board, a boat went to the rescue.

It is noted that the ship was in the roadstead of the port, where it arrived for loading grain.

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UPDATED 16:00. The command of the Ground Forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine publishes a photo of the defeated columns of enemy equipment. Also, our defenders take trophies from defeated opponents. For example, one of the paratroopers of the occupying army dropped a Russian machine gun for silent firing "Val".

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A broken column of invaders near Kherson. Cars burned by Javelins

UPDATED AT 16:11. In Gostomel near Kyiv, service members of the Armed Forces of Ukraine captured another occupier. It turned out that this was a police officer from Kemerovo. He worked in the riot police (probably beat up participants in local “illegal meetings of citizens”) and arrived in Ukraine as part of a car convoy - they were told that they were being taken to “exercises”.

UPDATED AT 4:30 PM. The General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine reported the operational situation in different directions.

For the past four hours, fierce fighting has been going on in the outskirts of Kyiv. The enemy is trying to break through Bucha - Gostomel - Irpen. In Bucha, a convoy of enemy vehicles was stopped - the crews left the vehicles and fled.

In the Volyn region, the situation is calm. Enemy equipment flies along the border of Belarus.

In Polissya, the enemy is also trying to break through to the capital, but are bogged down in battles with the defenders of Kyiv.

Separate enemy units headed towards Skadovsk in the Kherson region.

In the JFO zone, Ukrainian service members stop attempts of enemy breakthroughs. The bridge across the river Siversky Donets in the direction of the city of Shchastia in the Lugansk region has been blown up.

Ukrainian Marines entrenched themselves on the right bank of the Kalmius River. Mechanized units stand on the lines of defense.

UPDATED AT 16:35. The Ministry of Defense of Ukraine clarified the data on enemy losses.

From yesterday until 15:00, the occupier lost approximately 2,800 servicemen. 80 tanks, 516 armored personnel carriers, infantry fighting vehicles and armored vehicles were shot down, 10 aircraft and seven helicopters were shot down.

UPDATED AT 4:47 PM. In Chernihiv, two enemy shells hit the building of the regional department of the SBU. The fire started.

UPDATED AT 16:59. The governor of the Kherson region, Gennady Laguta, said that the enemy broke through the defenses at the crossing to the city as a result of fierce fighting. The enemy forces are crossing the Dnieper and entering the city.

The head of the region promises to do everything to save civilians.

UPDATED AT 17:40. The mayor of Odessa, Gennady Trukhanov, addressed the townspeople.
He noted that "everything is under control" in the city.

UPDATED AT 5:45 PM. Shelling of the SBU building in Chernihiv: the State Emergency Service reported that no one was injured.

UPDATED AT 17:57. Correspondents of "Dumskaya" are now near Kherson, where the Russian occupiers broke through the city's defenses according to a recent statement by the regional administration. Our colleagues say the battle continues. Troops on the bridge across the Dnieper are attacked by Ukrainian attack aircraft.

UPDATED AT 20:09. About an hour ago, an enemy drone flew over Odessa. Anti-aircraft guns installed in the port area worked on it. There is no information about strikes on the city from the sky. The information appeared on social networks about an enemy landing in the port or a battle with enemy DRGs in the city center - this is not true.

UPDATED AT 20:12. In several settlements of the Odessa region, an air alert was announced.
This is the city of Tatarbunary, the villages of Delzhiler, Starokozache, Krutoyarovka.
Also, an air alert was announced throughout the Limansk UTC.
Residents are urged to hide in basements or cellars, not outside.

UPDATED AT 20:27. The Dumskaya correspondent in Kherson reports that the city is under Ukrainian control despite the governor's panicky statements of the day. The battle at the post across the Dnieper continues, and the occupiers did not seriously move forward.

UPDATED AT 20:36. Workers in the Volyn region, on their own initiative, weld anti-tank hedgehogs and place them on roads near the border with Belarus to slow down the potential advance of enemy equipment.

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UPDATED At 20:43 Kyiv Mayor Vitaliy Klitschko said that the situation in the capital is "very complicated".

“The next night, in the morning, will be very hard,” Klitschko said.

UPDATED AT 21:02. According to Dumskaya, in the Nikolaev region, near the village of Koblevo, an enemy amphibious assault landed. The Odessa 28th separate mechanized brigade meets the occupiers. There is a fight.

UPDATED AT 21:07. The enemy landing at Koblevo was defeated. The enemy lost 20 soldiers, several pieces of equipment.

UPDATED AT 21:09. Details of the battle in Koblevo. The number of enemies killed rose to 25, and they used multiple rocket launchers.

UPDATED AT 21:18. The ground forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine report: the enemy offensive in the Sumy region has slowed down. To date, the opponents have not been able to go beyond the outskirts of the occupied Konotop.

Near the city there are 40 burnt pieces of Russian equipment. The enemy tanks ran out of gas, the soldiers do not have enough food. Looting has been reported in the city.

The ground forces of Ukraine are calling on the inhabitants of Konotop to voluntarily give gasoline to the occupiers but first pour sugar into it.

Residents of Konotop “know themselves how to help with food,” the headquarters noted.

UPDATED AT 21:45. In Odessa, servicemen of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and the Terodefense detained an enemy fire spotter.

UPDATED AT 21:55. Minister of Defense of Ukraine Oleksiy Reznikov addressed the mothers, girls and wives of Russian soldiers:

In a few days of intervention in Ukraine, as many Russian troops will be destroyed as in two Chechen wars. Thousands. Thousands.

The ruler of Russia has become a murderer. The killer is not only Ukrainians but also Russians.

We know that now very boys are being urgently taken into the army all over Russia. That they are preparing to transfer recruits without minimum combat skills. Those contractors are not told where they are actually going. And what awaits them.

Do not be afraid! The truth is on your side. Now you can still change everything so as not to regret later.

When all information about the Kremlin's war crimes is revealed, your loved ones will be very grateful to you.

UPDATED AT 22:14. There was a video with another captured Russian soldier. Our defenders let him talk to his parents on the phone. The occupant said that he did not know that he was going to Ukraine, he was told that "for exercises."

UPDATED AT 22:26. The Russians are bombing Mykolaiv. Enemy missiles exploded at the Kulbakino military airfield, and in the locomotive depot, the fuel depot is on fire.

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UPDATED AT 23:30. NATO head Stoltenberg announced new arms supplies to Ukraine. “NATO agreements with Russia no longer work. We are deploying additional elements of the Rapid Reaction Force on land, at sea, and in the air. NATO will provide Ukraine with air defense systems and a large number of weapons.”

Poland sends the first package of logistical assistance:
60 mm mortars (100 units) and ammunition for them (1500 units), UAVs (8 sets). It is planned to transfer body armor of the V category and Kevlar helmets of the V category: 152 mm cumulative ammunition - 1770 pieces; 23 mm ammunition for automatic guns - 25,336 pieces; 23 mm sub-caliber ammunition for automatic guns - 5,000 pcs. (an additional 66 thousand pieces are possible); Kevlar combat helmets - 42 thousand pieces. Readiness was expressed to transfer the Javelin anti-tank systems after agreement with the United States on an additional purchase to replace these anti-tank systems, which can be transferred to us. We are ready to hand over 5.56x45 mm Grot assault rifles - 10 thousand pieces.

The Odessa Journal

The Odessa Journal

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