Minister for Strategic Industries Herman Smetanin met with the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Japan to Ukraine, Masashi Nakagome. The meeting took place at a Ukrainian enterprise specializing in the production of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs).
During the meeting, they discussed potential areas of cooperation between the defense sectors of Ukraine and Japan. The Minister highlighted the achievements of Ukraine's defense industry and outlined the key needs for strengthening the country’s defense capabilities.
“We are grateful for all the support Japan has provided since the start of the full-scale invasion. I am confident that we have prospects for closer cooperation. The Ukrainian defense industry is interested in joint projects with Japanese companies, particularly in the area of equipment and technologies for modernizing production processes. I believe we can identify common interests and paths for collaboration, as Ukraine is eager to establish mutually beneficial and long-term partnerships,” Herman Smetanin stated.
“We will explore how Japanese technologies can contribute to Ukraine's industrial development,” Masashi Nakagome responded.