Russia's arms exports in 2024 have decreased by 47% compared to 2022, the year when Russia launched its full-scale invasion of Ukraine. These figures are highlighted in a report by the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI), a think tank specializing in armed conflict research, arms control, and disarmament processes.
"Arms exports by Russia dropped by 64 per cent between 2015–19 and 2020–24. Russia accounted for 7.8 per cent of global arms exports in 2020–24. The decline in Russia’s arms exports started before its full-scale invasion of Ukraine in 2022. In 2020 and 2021 export volumes were much smaller (ranging from 22 to 73 per cent lower) than in any year of the preceding two decades (i.e. 2000–19). This was largely as a result of a decrease in orders from China and India (see the importer section below). In 2024 the volume of Russian arms exports remained at around the same level as in 2023, which was 47 per cent lower than in 2022. The decrease since 2022 is likely mostly related to Russia’s decision to prioritize the production of major arms for its own armed forces over those for export, the effects of multilateral trade sanctions imposed on Russia and increased pressure from the USA and its allies on states to avoid buying Russian arms.
Russia delivered major arms to 33 states in 2020–24. A total of 74 per cent of Russian arms exports went to states in Asia and Oceania, 12 per cent to those in Africa, 7.4 per cent to Europe (Armenia, Belarus and Serbia) and 6.4 per cent to the Middle East. Two thirds of Russian arms exports went to three states in 2020–24: India (38 per cent), China (17 per cent) and Kazakhstan (11 per cent).
Russia’s pending export deliveries are at a low level compared with those of the USA; they are also well below those of France and South Korea for several categories of arms (see box 1). The most notable pending Russian deliveries are under deals with India, Iran and Saudi Arabia."
Despite the sharp decline in supply volumes, Russia remains among the top three largest arms exporters in the world, according to the SIPRI report. The US leads the global arms market with a 43% share. American arms are supplied to 107 countries, with European nations increasing their purchases by 233% in 2020–2024 compared to the previous five-year period. Ukraine accounts for 9.3% of US arms exports.
France ranks second in arms exports, with a 9.6% share of the global market. France supplies arms to 65 countries, with the largest share going to Asia and Oceania (35%), the Middle East (28%), and Europe (15%). Notably, French arms supplies to Europe have increased by 187% over the last five years, mainly due to the sale of combat aircraft to Greece and Croatia and various weapons (artillery, rockets, ships) to Ukraine.
"Ukraine was the world’s biggest arms importer in 2020–24, accounting for 8.8 per cent of global imports, as states supplied arms, mostly as aid, in response to the fullscale Russian invasion in February 2022."