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Main War 3rd day of War. Chronicles


3rd day of War. Chronicles

3rd day of War. Chronicles

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By Dumskaya

Photo: Sabotage group caught in Nikopol

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The open attack of the Russian Federation on Ukraine continues, which Putin launched on February 24 at 5 am.

UPDATED AT 23:24. A massive bombardment began in Kyiv. The enemies are hitting the outskirts from the side of Bucha and other settlements where their troops have settled. Zaporizhzhia and the region are also now being bombarded.

UPDATED AT 23:00. Another captured Russian. This time - a sniper, squad leader from the Rostov region.

UPDATED AT 22:57. Air raid alert again in Kyiv. Meanwhile, on the outskirts of Kharkov, there is a fierce battle.

UPDATED AT 22:45. The Chernihiv regional administration warns residents that a massive missile and bomb attack on settlements is possible at night. Everyone is asked to spend the night in shelters if possible.

“Out of hopelessness, the enemy uses everything he has and is even ready to bomb cities,” the regional state administration said.

UPDATED AT 22:41. The governor of the Mykolaiv region, Vitaly Kim, said: the Armed Forces of Ukraine destroyed enemy artillery, which hit the city at night.

UPDATED AT 22:21. During the evening battle with the occupiers, the Ukrainian servicemen captured the mayon of the armed forces of the Russian Federation.

UPDATED AT 22:09. In the Darnitsky district of Kyiv, the police and the forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine destroyed the DRG of the enemy at the checkpoint. The saboteurs were killed, their transport was burned.

UPDATED AT 21:57. New information about travel restrictions in Odessa and the region. Governor Sergei Grinevetsky said it is impossible to travel by personal vehicle during the curfew. We remind you that it is valid from 7 pm to 6 am from today.

UPDATED AT 21:24. The Administration of the Sea Ports of Ukraine reported that the Russians captured the Ukrainian civilian rescue ship "Sapphire", which today approached Snake (Zmeiiniy) Island. Communication with the crew is lost. The incident was qualified as a violation of international navigation conventions.

UPDATED AT 20:46. Advisor to the Head of the Office of the President of Ukraine Oleksiy Arestovich spoke about the operational situation at the end of the day.

He stated that on February 26, the enemy was practically unable to move forward. The Russians are stuck in an "operational pause", but this is not their decision, but a forced step due to the fierce resistance of the Ukrainians and heavy losses on the part of the invaders.

UPDATED AT 20:10. The head of the Lugansk region, Sergei Gaidai, said that the Armed Forces of Ukraine forces defeated the enemy near Severodonetsk and forced the enemy column to retreat from the city.

At Rubizhne, the JFO forces recaptured an enemy sabotage group.

UPDATED AT 19:59. The occupiers are again inflicting a massive blow to Kyiv. There is an air raid in the city.

UPDATED AT 19:36. President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky delivered an evening address to citizens.

He stated that our troops "broke the scenario of the occupiers."

“Ukrainians are strong, powerful. We are on our own land and will never give it up to anyone," the president stressed.

UPDATED AT 19:23. Ukrzaliznytsia reported that all railway crossings on the border with the Russian Federation were destroyed. This was done in order to deprive the enemy of the opportunity to continue to transfer equipment to our country quickly. Communication with dispatchers in the Russian Federation was also terminated.

UPDATED AT 19:04. The Verkhovna Rada reports that sirens and church bells can sound air alarms. If you hear a ringing - urgently seek shelter.

UPDATED AT 18:43. Curfew time changes in Odessa and the region. From February 26, it is open from 19:00 to 6 am. At this time, it is forbidden for people to be on the streets without specially issued certificates and certificates.

It is allowed to check the personal belongings of citizens and if necessary - search of cars and housing.

Also from February 27 it is forbidden to move any transport in the region's territory, except for ambulances, police cars and other law enforcement agencies with turn signals and sirens on.

UPDATED AT 18:37. Berdyansk City Council said that the enemy's equipment occupied the territory of the local airport. The information is being clarified.

UPDATED AT 18:30. Residents of small Ukrainian towns and villages began to attack passing columns of occupiers with Molotov cocktails.

UPDATED AT 18:18. About an hour ago, another tank of the occupiers was shot down near Kharkiv.

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UPDATED AT 17:55. The command of the APU Air Force confirmed the destruction of an enemy fighter over Odessa. The department clarified: it was a Su-30.

UPDATED AT 17:40. In Kharkiv, Vinnytsia, Sumy, Shostka, Mykolaiv and Ternopil, the air raid alarm is declared.

UPDATED AT 17:37. In recent days in the center of Odessa a lot of military and equipment. A group of fighters with NLAW anti-tank systems defend Duma Square and the city council.

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UPDATED AT 17:24. The occupiers hit an ambulance near Kherson. Doctors took the wounded to the hospital, and ambulance officers were injured in the shelling.

UPDATED AT 17:12. The Operational Command "North" of the Armed Forces of Ukraine reports that during the battle, the tank battalion commander of the 35th Motorized Rifle Brigade of the Russian Armed Forces, Major Leonid Shchetkin, was captured.

Our defenders lined up the tank of the occupier, the aggressor miraculously survived. He was given the necessary medical care and is being interrogated.

The occupier graduated from the Kazan Tank School invaded our country, leaving his wife and two children at home.

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UPDATED AT 17:10. The State Border Service reports that border guards from Snake Island may have survived. After the shelling of the island from the ships of the Black Sea Fleet of the Russian Federation, communication with the defenders was interrupted. The department assumed the death of the garrison. Information about border guards is being clarified.

UPDATED AT 16:23. Details of the air defense work on Odessa have appeared. Defenders of our sky destroyed the enemy Su-27 fighter.

UPDATED AT 15:52. The Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine Dmitry Kuleba said that preparations had begun for disconnecting Russia from the SWIFT banking system. All European countries agreed to impose such a sanction against the aggressor country.

UPDATED AT 15:49. The Ukrainian Navy reports that the aggressor's ship in the Black Sea "friendly fire" destroyed a Russian plane.

UPDATED AT 15:46. The State Emergency Service reports that enemy saboteurs can pretend to be GSChS employees and come to bomb shelters ostensibly for "inspections." GSChS informs - no official inspections are carried out.

UPDATED AT 15:42. Ukravtodor urges citizens to dismantle road signs in all areas. This will prevent enemy columns from navigating the terrain.

UPDATED AT 15:40. Turkey has closed the passage across the Bosphorus to warships. President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky reached such an agreement with Recep Tayyip Erdogan.

UPDATED AT 15:04. A seven-year-old girl who was seriously injured during the shelling of a kindergarten in Okhtyrka, Sumy region, has died. The Sumy military administration reported this.

UPDATED AT 15:02. Explosions are heard in Odessa. This is our S-300 anti-aircraft warfare. We will remind, now in the South air alarm. Most likely, our defenders are repelling a raid in this direction.

UPDATED AT 14:56. Public reports: residents of Odessa are massively assisting territorial defense. Defenders of the city are brought water, food, furniture, appliances.

UPDATED AT 14:52. The Russians said they were blocking the northwestern Black Sea region off the coasts of Odessa and Mykolaiv regions. Enemies say they will conduct "counter-terrorist operations" here and the presence of any ships in the area will be assessed as a "terrorist threat". The State Border Guard Service of Ukraine informs about it.

UPDATED AT 14:50. The occupiers killed a seven-year-old girl in the Sumy region. The local regional administration said the girl was fatally wounded during the shelling of the Solnyshko kindergarten in Okhtyrka.

UPDATED AT 14:18. The new video is another broken column of Russians who tried to escape from Crimea to Kherson.

UPDATED AT 14:15. Photos of the consequences of the Russian attack on the homes of civilians in Chernihiv on Pukhov Street have appeared.

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UPDATED 14:03. An air alarm sounded in the cheat of South Ner Odessa. Tis you reported on the local TV Chanel "Mig".

UPDATED AT 14:00. The occupiers had just fired from Gradov on a residential area in Chernihiv. Several missiles hit a high-rise panel house, and a fire broke out in it. Information about the victims is being clarified.

UPDATED AT 13:36. Today saboteurs are caught in many Ukrainian cities.

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Sabotage group in Nikopol

UPDATED AT 13:23. Enemy saboteurs are caught in Odessa and the region. Residents of Chubaevka seized three accomplices of the enemy and handed them over to law enforcement officers.

Two more saboteurs entered the Odessa region from the so-called "Transnistria" and photographed military facilities. Guards at the Kuchurgany checkpoint detained them.

UPDATED AT 13:18. New video with captured Russian soldiers. These are the 138th Guards Motorized Rifle Brigade servicemen from the Leningrad Region. One says he did not want to fight the Ukrainians, he was forced. The second is ready to stand shoulder to shoulder with our military and kill the occupiers.

UPDATED AT 12:38 PM. Our defenders drove the occupiers out of Akhtyrka in the Sumy region, where fierce fighting occurred yesterday. The city is completely under Ukrainian control, said the speaker of the regional administration Alena Boyarinova.

UPDATED AT 11:27. About 60 enemy paratroopers in three helicopters tried to land at 09:00 near the city of Brody, Lviv region.
The mayor of Lviv Andrey Sadovoy announced this. Ukrainian defenders rebuffed the enemy.
According to Oleg Tyagnibok, chairman of the Svoboda party, the enemy paratroopers were eliminated. Several survivors fled into the forest. They are already being sought.

UPDATED AT 10:33. Kyiv Mayor Vitali Klitschko urges all capital residents to stay at home or in shelters. He asks to leave the house only to go to the shelter.
The subway went into cover mode. Transportation will not be carried out yet.

UPDATED AT 10:30. The occupiers lack military forces; police officers are fighting in their ranks, according to the Ground Forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. Enjoy the interrogation of police special forces (SOBR) from Kemerovo.

UPDATED AT 09:20. In the Kharkiv direction, the offensive of the Russians is repelled. According to the head of the regional military-civilian administration, Oleg Sinegubov, yesterday Russian troops unsuccessfully tried to break through the Ukrainian defenses in the Kharkiv direction.

The fighting was carried out in ​​Dergachi, Tsirkunov and from the side of Chuguev, there were attempts to break through from the Vysoky side. The enemy suffered heavy losses - more than 100 pieces of equipment and hundreds of military personnel.

Having received a severe rebuff, the enemy began to launch artillery strikes on social infrastructure, Sinegubov added. The shells hit the blood center on Alekseevka and the children's regional hospital.

UPDATED AT 8:29. In Kyiv, a rocket hit a residential skyscraper near the Zhuliany airport. Several floors were destroyed.

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UPDATED AT 7:50. As of the morning of February 26, the Armed Forces of Ukraine have eliminated more than 3,500 Russian soldiers, more than 200 have been captured. This was reported by Advisor to the Head of the Office of the President of Ukraine Mykhailo Podolyak.

UPDATED at 7:09. The mayor of Vasylkov, Natalya Balasinovich, said that the Ukrainian militants defended the city. Enemy troops landed from the air in the forests and in the city's center. Local residents reported to the authorities where they saw enemy soldiers. The city mayor added that there are dead and wounded among our service members.

UPDATED AT 07:02. According to the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine, in the morning on the Izmail border detachment site, enemy drones' has been observed.

The enemy, using drones from a height of about 1 km, is trying to conduct reconnaissance of the Black Sea and Danube coasts.

UPDATED AT 6:38. An enemy drone attacked the ship of the Maritime Guard of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine "Grigory Kuropyatnikov" tonight.

According to the press center of the State Border Guard Service, the border guards opened fire on the drone, which headed for the Ukrainian coast and shot it down on approach to Chernomorsk, Odessa region.

The ship "Grigory Kuropyatnikov" continues to serve in the Black Sea.

UPDATED AT 06:31. In the Koblevo area, Ukrainian defenders from the 28th separate mechanized brigade named after the Knights of the Winter Campaign detained two saboteurs already testifying to the relevant services.

UPDATED AT 06:22. Air defense forces, which stand guard over the Odessa sky, repelled an attempted air attack.

The active phase began at 05:46 and lasted several minutes. Ground facilities and fighter aircraft were involved in the reflection; missile launches were carried out.

There were no reports of casualties or damage.

UPDATED 06:14: "Tired but not subdued" — Ukrainian border guards are resting between battles. Photo by State Border Guard Service

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UPDATED AT 5:20. In Kharkiv - air raid alert.

UPDATED AT 4:15. The Ground Forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine reported that the attack on the military unit was repelled.

UPDATED AT 3:50. “Near Kalinovka, our military pilots shot down a Russian SU-25,” the head of the Vinnytsia regional state administration, Sergei Borzov.

UPDATED AT 3:35. “Kyiv. Now they are hitting a military unit in the Beresteiska metro area,” journalist Andrei Tsaplienko reports.

UPDATED AT 2:55. “In Mykolaiv, the desired silence. Thanks to our defenders," BP said in a statement.

UPDATED AT 2:50. The enemy is trying to attack CHPP-6 in the Troyeshchyna (Kyiv) area. UAF gives battle.

In Vasilkovo, resistance continues - it is there that they are trying to land enemy troops.

UPDATED AT 1:32. Around midnight, in the area of ​​the Joint Forces operation, the S-300 anti-aircraft missile system of the Air Force of the Ukrainian Armed Forces shot down two enemy targets - a helicopter and a Su-25 attack aircraft of the Russian occupation forces.

UPDATED AT 01:25. The Ukrainian Air Force shot down an IL-76 with an enemy landing force in the Vasilkov area today.

“This is revenge for Luhansk in 2014,” wrote the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine Valery Zaluzhny.

The Odessa Journal
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