In 2024, Ukraine received 2,500 applications for trademark registration, which is 37% fewer than before the full-scale invasion.
This data comes from OpenDataBot.
18.4% of all trademark applications in Ukraine were submitted by companies from the United States, while 12.5% came from Switzerland. Cyprus rounds out the top three countries with 9.7%.
Among the top 5 applicants:
- Philip Morris Products S.A. – 91 applications
- Mistral Capital Management Limited – 69
- YPL Mauritius Limited – 69
- British American Tobacco (Brands) Inc. – 49
- Farmak AG – 45
The most commonly registered trademarks last year were related to:
- Pharmaceuticals, veterinary medicine, and hygiene products — 711 applications, or 27.6% of the total
- Advertising, administration, and office services — 472 applications, or 18.3%
- Tobacco products, accessories, and substitutes — 341 applications, or 13.3%
- Scientific, electronic, and optical devices — 306 applications, or 11.9%
- Cosmetics, personal care products, and household chemicals — 282 applications, or 11.0%
The record-holder was the company FELIX TRADE PTE. LTD, which filed a trademark registration in 20 business sectors.